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See You at the 2023 Local Media Summit!

the 2022 Local Media Summit, organized by in collaboration with International Media Support (IMS) at the Jakarta National Library on 27-28 October 2022 has just ended.


Transformation of Indonesia's Oldest Company, 276 Years Old

Arfi Bambani
Cikini Post Office
Cikini Post Office - PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) has entered the age of 276 years. This year, Pos Indonesia is ready to develop some strategic transformation and innovation programs. The transformation program is a program that makes Pos Indonesia still relevant today.

Director of Human Resources and General Affairs and Acting Director of Business, Network and Financial Services of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero), Tonggo Marbun, explained that Pos Indonesia must always innovate to adapt to the newest technology.

“Pos Indonesia was disrupted by technological developments. Mail and postcard delivery services no longer exist. The context in financial services is not enough just to digitize financial services at the counter, but we must have added value with the premise and strength we have, and build innovation," said Marbun.

Currently, Pos Indonesia is intensifying financial services, one of which is Pospay. Pospay's future development will include adding features and partners and strengthening infrastructure.

"We will place Pos Indonesia's financial services as the main service for the government and the community. We innovate, improve product services, and human resource capabilities as the best financial service provider," he said.

The human resource (HR) factor is no less important in supporting smooth transformation and digital innovation. Pos Indonesia realized this by strengthening its human resources.

“The Pos that was left behind was due to a lack of learning ability. Two years ago, our technology was far below other companies. We have started building a digital mindset for employees massively since 2021. Also encourage employees to innovate, holding the Postal Innovation Award, which is digital-based innovation, "said Marbun.

Regarding digital transformation in financial services, Pos Indonesia currently has a payment segment in the form of Pospay, lending, and saving. Digital innovation will be carried out in all these segments.

Moreover, currently, Indonesia's financial literacy is still lacking. Marbun explained that Indonesia's financial literacy is 38.1 percent. Sharia literacy is 20 percent.

“The bankable Indonesian is 80 million. This means that there are still many opportunities for the Indonesian people who are not yet bankable. That's where Pospay is there to serve this niche," said Marbun.

Based on the survey, Pospay and the Pos Indonesia courier service are very strong in the second and third-tier cities because there are still minimal banking services, so Pos Indonesia is the main service there. Pos Indonesia has also partnered with the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) in the distribution of social assistance (bansos).

Pos Indonesia has more than 4,800 offices in all districts/ cities in Indonesia. These advantages make Pos Indonesia able to reach remote areas.

In addition to network strength, Pos Indonesia also completes the distribution of social assistance with geotagging and facial recognition features to ensure that the recipients of the social assistance are on target. Pos Indonesia's reliability has even received appreciation from President Joko Widodo because it is considered capable of distributing social assistance on target and on time.

"However, success does not make Pos Indonesia proud. Pos Indonesia continues to improve and innovate. To ensure that the recipients of social assistance are right on target, we must be connected to the population and civil registration data. In the future, we must make further improvements in terms of speed and accessibility," Marbun said.

Pos Indonesia's next strategy is to complete financial services by opening new networks, increasing cooperation with billers, and completing remittance products in some countries. "Pos Indonesia's financial services must be able to be the foremost choice, can be reached everywhere, fast, easy, cheap," said Marbun.

Tag # pt pos indonesia # indonesia post service # indonesia's oldest company # logistic industry # indonesia digital

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