
Bill Liddle Receives Achmad Bakrie Award

Arfi Bambani
R William Liddle or Bill Liddle
R William Liddle or Bill Liddle - The Achmad Bakrie Award (PAB) is back this year after a two-year absence due to the COVID-19 pandemic, now with five award categories. This additional award is for International Scientists who contributed to Indonesia and increased the number of recipients of PAB XVIII 2022 to five categories.

The Chairperson of the 2022 PAB XVIII Organizer, Aninditha Anestya Bakrie, in a written statement in Jakarta, Friday, said this year's PAB was special because apart from presenting five award categories, it was also to commemorate the 77th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia as well as to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the Bakrie Business Group.

"Therefore, the theme of this year's PAB is the same as the theme of Bakrie's 80th anniversary, namely Generation to Build the Country," said Ditha, Aninditha's nickname.

The recipients of the 2022 PAB XVIII are:

  • Nirwan Dewanto (Literature)
    For various works that consciously free themselves from the limitations of national literary history, and which cultivate Indonesian treasures in a way that is sensitive to the development of world literature.
  • Mohtar Mas'oed (Social thinking)
    For pioneering a non-Marxian structural analysis approach to economic-political realities in Indonesia and the international world that enriches the treasures of academic thought in the country.
  • Archaeological Research Team of Indonesian Ancient Cave Paintings (Science): Adhi Agus, Pindi Setiawan, Basran Burhan, Budianto Hakim, and Rustan LP Santari
    For a series of findings of the oldest figurative paintings in the world, in ancient caves in East Kalimantan and South Sulawesi, shifted the Indonesian archeological paradigm and enriched knowledge about cognitive evolution on Earth.
  • Erlina Burhan and Tonang Dwi Ardyanto (Medicine)
    For the synergistic contribution between the clinical-epidemological and pulmonological-public health fields that help Indonesia deal with the global COVID-19 pandemic with results that have been praised by the international community.
  • R. William Liddle (International Scientist for Indonesia)
    For six decades of intellectual dedication, he has studied various political developments and the institutionalization of democracy, accompanied by work to build a new generation of political scientists in Indonesia.

Dhita Bakrie said that the PAB, which was organized by the Bakrie Family through the Achmad Bakrie Foundation, in collaboration with the Freedom Institute and the Bakrie Business Group, which was 20 years old, was held again and became an annual tradition that will continue.

“My grandfather Achmad Bakrie's love for science and literature became the basis for us to hold PAB. To participate in appreciating and giving a place as well as appreciation to people who have contributed and contributed to Indonesia in the fields of science and literature," said Ditha, who is the second daughter of Aburizal Bakrie, the oldest son of Achmad Bakrie.

From it was first held in 2003 until the last event in 2019, PAB has given awards to 76 recipients. The recipients are figures and institutions that produce extraordinary and inspiring works whose benefits can be felt directly by the community.

PAB is the embodiment of the mandate of H. Achmad Bakrie (1916-1988) which is contained in the philosophy of 'Trimatra Bakrie', namely: Indonesianness, benefit, and togetherness. The mandate is carried out by the next generation who are committed to nation-building as well as to continue to appreciate the best works of the nation's children who are creative, innovative, and have a positive influence on the progress of Indonesia.

The Co-Founder of PAB, Rizal Mallarangeng, said that this year's PAB event was slightly different from previous years. "This year there is a special award for international scientists who have great services for Indonesia," said Mallarangeng who is also the founder and Executive Director of the Freedom Institute.

The PAB XVIII 2022 Awarding Night Ceremony can be watched on Saturday, August 20, 2022, at 20.30 WIB on tvOne screen and live streaming on the website In addition, and ANTV will also provide exclusive coverage around the Achmad Bakrie XVIII 2022 Generation Build the Nation Award.

Tag # achmad bakrie award # bakrie business group # bill liddle # nirwan dewanto # mohtar mas'oed # bakrie group # bakrie

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