Now Registering Copyright in Indonesia Can Be Online, Takes 10 Minutes Only
People no longer need to wait for approval from the center as before when registering online at the https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/register page.
People no longer need to wait for approval from the center as before when registering online at the https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/register page.
The Indonesia's Law and Human Rights Ministry has planned to conduct pilot projects for the apostille certificate issuance service at five provincial regional offices of the ministry.
E Ramos Petege, a young man from Gabaikunu Village, Central Mapia, Dogiyai Regency, Papua, sued Law No. 16/2019 concerning Marriage to the Constitutional Court after failing to marry a Muslim woman due to different beliefs.
TheIndonesia.co - Director of Copyright and Industrial Design, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Anggoro Dasananto, stated the government will regulate resale rights regulations for Indonesian artists in 2023. He said the Ministry of Law and Human Rights had mapped out the urgent need for copyrighted works of art and that the foremost choice fell to artists, such as painters, carvers, sculptors, and engravers.
"So, it is not true that the government only cares about copyright protection for musicians and songs," said Dasananto in the "Roving Seminar Yogyakarta" webinar quoted by Antara in Jakarta, Friday, July 22, 2022.
The artist's resale right is the right to sell the work repeatedly from the creator to the first buyer and so on. The creator or maker is still entitled to obtain economic value from the sale. Currently, as many as 94 countries have implemented the rule.
"Creators receive a minimum of 5 percent or it will be determined together in a meeting with the artists," said Dasananto.
So far, artists are not aware that there are hidden royalties that have not been enjoyed by them when their works are subject to repeated buying and selling transactions. Transactions that occur are often limited to commercial transactions. Artists sell products to buyers and there are no records.
Dasananto said that copyright came into effect when an artist made a work. When painting, he said, he gave an example of how copyright gets legal protection, it is better for the artist to record so that there is clarity on when the copyright starts.
"Copyright protects expression. If it's just an idea or idea, there is no copyright yet," said Dasananto.
The Automatic Approval of Copyright Registration (POPHC) application allows submissions for the recording of works of art. For copyright registration, it is the initial proof of copyright ownership.
Painter Astuti Kusumo said that copyright protection related to resale rights for artists should be appreciated. She acknowledged that many works by Indonesian painters in the past had not been recorded and received protection.
"This reminds us, artists works must be well documented," said Astuti in the webinar.