
This University Opens Student Admission Selection for YouTuber

Arfi Bambani
UPNVJ's Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Anter Venus
UPNVJ's Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Anter Venus - Jakarta Veterans National Development University (UPNVJ) again held a skills test for prospective students for the 2022 Selection through the achievement track for Al-Quran hafidz (Quran Memorizers) and YouTube Content Creator.

"UPNVJ is a campus that provides a platform and appreciation for all prospective new students who have above average achievements, especially Al-Quran Hafidz and YouTubers," said Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Anter Venus in a written statement received in Jakarta, Sunday, July 3, 2022.

The achievement Track was followed by 18 Al-Quran hafidz and one YouTuber at the UPNVJ Pondok Labu Campus, South Jakarta, Saturday, July 2, 2022. Al-Quran Hafidz were assessed directly by ustadz or lecturers who are competent in their fields, while YouTubers was tested by an expert assessment team.

Venus said that the hafidz of the Quran will be tested on memorizing the Koran, while the skill test on YouTube Content Creator is focused on how to take pictures, edit videos, content or content, and the originality of videos uploaded on the YouTube account.

He explained, UPNVJ has three admissions tracks for new undergraduate students (S-1), namely the National Selection for State University Admission (SNMPTN), Computer-Based Writing Examination - Joint Selection for State University Admission (UTBK-SBMPTN), and Independent Selection. The Independent Selection is divided into two tracks, namely the academic track, which selects based on Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK) scores, and the achievement track, which combines UTBK scores with academic and non-academic achievements.

Achievements are included in the field of science, sports, and arts olympiads ranked first to third at the provincial, national and international levels in the last three years. In addition, other achievements are like becoming OSIS chairman that has served for at least one period as well as Al-Quran hafidz and Youtube Content Creator.

Al-Quran Hafidz who can take part in the Self Selection path of achievement has at least memorized 20 juz (parts) of Al-Quran by heart, while YouTube Content Creator has a minimum of 10,000 subscribers. A skill test is held to determine the abilities of prospective students.

Tag # upn veteran jakarta # youtube # indonesian youtuber # indonesia muslim # indonesia islam

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