
7 Reasons for Falling in Love with Indonesians

Arfi Bambani | Ayu Larasati
Image by Dio Hasbi Saniskoro from Pexels
Image by Dio Hasbi Saniskoro from Pexels - Indonesia, a vast tropical archipelago with natural beauties, would be nothing without its lovely people, who cultivate a fascinating culture and extend their arms to visitors. Discover the best things that make loving Indonesia's people as easy as falling in love with the islands and beaches, from warm smiles to unusual spirituality.

Here are some reasons why Indonesians will make you fall in love as you meet them.

1. Their Friendliness

Photo by Muhammad Syahroyni from Pexels
Photo by Muhammad Syahroyni from Pexels


In Indonesians, friendliness is a distinctive feature that is simple to observe. Many visitors cite the friendliness of the natives as one of their favorite aspects of the country. Their kindness and social demeanor will make you feel at ease, from a simple grin or welcome to requesting foreign tourists to take a selfie together.

2. Their Politeness

Even when they already know one other, Indonesians rarely greet strangers without exchanging a cordial but courteous handshake. They frequently use titles like 'Mister' and 'Miss' to refer to others. And it's not just lip service; Indonesians treat others with decency and respect.

3. They are Helpful

Photo by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay
Photo by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay


Indonesians are accustomed to looking after one another in their communities. They are considerate of others' needs and go above and beyond in assisting them. Don't be surprised if you ask for directions one day and they end up driving you to your desired location.

4. They are Humble

Photo by iqbal nuril anwar from Pixabay
Photo by iqbal nuril anwar from Pixabay


When Indonesians invite you to their home, they may say, "Come to my humble shack," but you may be surprised to discover a spacious home with a beautiful garden and possibly a pool. Indonesians are not as vain as most people, and their pride is based on values other than material possessions.

5. They Enjoy Sharing

Photo by Majestic Project from Pexels
Photo by Majestic Project from Pexels


Indonesians bond with one another by sharing everything from fritters to intimate life tales. They may appear intrusive at times, inquiring about strangers' marital status or hometowns, but they are truly interested in your tales and will gladly share their own with you. In the right circumstances, this might lead to a deep conversation and possibly a long-term friendship.

6. They are OK with Diversity

When you're constantly exposed to variances and diversity, whether in culture, religion, customs, or even opinions, it's difficult to pass judgment. Indonesia is home to hundreds of various ethnicities and locales, and Indonesians are used to mixing with people of all colors, beliefs, and perspectives – even foreign tourists. To be accepted, you don't even have to fit in. Don't worry, as long as you respect each other, you'll be OK.

7. They are inclusive

Indonesian people are accustomed to living in groups and doing things together. Nonetheless, their circles rapidly and readily expand to include a friend-of-a-friend, a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend, and so on. Don't be shy about joining your Indonesian friends at a dinner table or a beach soccer game—they know how to treat visitors like family.

Tag # indonesia # indonesian people # friendly

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