
Stingless Bees Experiment in Three Islamic Boarding Schools

Arfi Bambani
An Islamic boarding school
An Islamic boarding school - The University of Indonesia (UI) research team used stingless bee cultivation technology to improve the concept of economic independence in Islamic boarding schools or locally called "Pesantren".

The head of the UI research team, Muhamad Sahlan, in his written statement, Friday, said that stingless bee cultivation innovation is the right step in creating economic independence of Islamic boarding schools. Stingless beekeeping is easy to do. Bees can also be bred side by side with humans and produce honey that has a high economic value.

Sahlan said that if most Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia were able to cultivate stingless bees, then they would be able to produce bee seeds and honey. The sale and cultivation of bee seeds and honey in the future will help improve the economy locally, regionally, maybe even nationally.

The benefit of bees has been mentioned in the Sunnah (Way of Life) of the Prophet Muhammad SAW and has been medically proven. Sahlan said honey is needed for the immune system to face the COVID-19 pandemic that has not yet ended.

"If during the colonial era, Islamic boarding schools had a role in fighting against the invaders, then during this pandemic, Islamic boarding schools have a role in fighting against backwardness through the independence of Islamic boarding schools," said Sahlan.

The team of UI lecturers and researchers comprises Dr. eng. Muhammad Sahlan, S.Si., M.Eng. (Faculty of Engineering UI- FTUI); Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah ST. M.Eng. (Faculty of Engineering UI); Dr. Kenny Lischer (Faculty of Engineering UI); Dr. Aprilliana Cahya (Faculty of Engineering UI); Dr. Rambat Lupiyoadi (Faculty of Economics and Business UI), as well as several beekeeping practitioners, namely Chandra Akso Diana, Jeffry Lesmana, and Yogie.

Three Islamic boarding schools were selected for the national beekeeping pilot center. They are the Nurul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School (Bengkulu), the Indonesian Nature Islamic Boarding School (South Sulawesi), and the Al-Kahfi Islamic Boarding School (West Nusa Tenggara).

Ustad Nanang, caretaker of the Nurul Qur'an Islamic boarding school, Lebong Regency, Bengkulu, expressed his enthusiasm for this program. "The bee cultivation business, which is carried out as a form of cooperation between Bank of Indonesia and the FTUI team, has greatly impacted the success of our school. It is proven that this stingless bee cultivation has produced honey and is always sold out to consumers. This certainly generates profits for the pesantren," said Nana.

The caregivers of two other Islamic boarding schools are Dr. Hisbullah from the Indonesian Natural Islamic Boarding School in Baru Regency, South Sulawesi, and Ustad Fuad from the Al-Kahfi Islamic Boarding School in Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara.

This stingless bee cultivation business is considered very potential to help the independence of the pesantren they care for, given the location of the Islamic boarding school which is adjacent to a protected forest. This location is a comparative advantage compared to other Islamic boarding schools.

Tag # stingless bee # bee # biodiversity # islamic boarding schools # islam # muslim

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