Sea Transport Company Pelni Sees 155% Increase in Passengers in H1 2022
Cities in Indonesia with the most passengers were Makassar, Baubau, Surabaya, Ambon, and Balikpapan.
Cities in Indonesia with the most passengers were Makassar, Baubau, Surabaya, Ambon, and Balikpapan.
It has becoming normal in many countries, and it will take about six to eight months [for the aviation] to be normal in Indonesia."
Indonesia aims to grow the industry and compete with countries who have managed to make their halal industrial area estates a leading sector, such as neighboring country Thailand.
The military and commercial products manufacturer has the sufficient and necessary capabilities to produce the electric car.
Erick Thohir said one of the state-owned pharmaceutical companies Indofarma has been mandated to focus on developing and producing the traditional medicine.
Erick Thohir added Merah Putih Fund has three common threads; the founder is Indonesian, operates in Indonesia, and finally goes public in Indonesia. Erick Thohir sees that most startups are getting investment or being funded by foreigners.