Man Wanted for Kidnaping, Sexually Abusing Underage Student for Months
The perpetrator is still at large.
The perpetrator is still at large.
The fight against pornographic content through cyber patrol will continue to ensure safe digital safe spaces for internet users.
Judge Herri Swantoro read the sentence on Monday, April 4.
Prosecutors also want defendant Herry Wirawan to pay a Rp500 million (US$35,700) fine and Rp331 million restitution to his victims, aside from chemical castration and a request to the court to make his identity be made public.
She stresses imposing severe punishments on felons. "The law must act toughly, and the perpetrators must be sentenced based on their crimes," she said.
Indonesian Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection said it would support maximum penalty to owner and teacher of an Islamic boarding school in West Java who raped 12 students between 2016 and 2021.
Recent report showed that violence in relationships is the third most-reported violence in private space, yet reported cases often hit a dead end.
The National Polices Cyber Crime Directorate said suspect in child sexual abuse case who carried out his crime via popular online game Free Fire collected sexually-explicit videos from his victims for personal use.
The National Police arrested a man on allegation of child sexual abuse, and has identified 11 children as the victims. The 21-year-old suspect carried out the crime through popular online game Free Fire.