Anticipating Pneumonia Cases, Jakarta Strengthens Monitoring with Real-time Reporting
The monitoring is carried out in virus panel examination to find out the virus infection due to poor immunity amid the transition of seasons.
The monitoring is carried out in virus panel examination to find out the virus infection due to poor immunity amid the transition of seasons.
Alternative tobacco products pose lower threat to health compared to cigarettes.
Indonesias National Police (Polri) and National Armed Forces (TNI) signed an MOU with BKKBN.
The vaccine offers lifetime protection.
Port health offices are tasked with closely monitoring travelers who come from countries in which monkeypox cases have been reported.
The installation of FDR Nano in UI Hospital is the result of collaboration with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) through Fujifilm Indonesia to support the development and service in the hospital.
Demographic bonus is a condition in which the productive age population is larger than the non-productive population.
East Java is one of the 12 provinces in Indonesia with the highest stunting prevalence in 2021.
Nearly 70 percent of the 20,000 household drinking water sources tested in Indonesia are contaminated by faecal waste.