What's the Indonesian Press Council Views on the Use of AI by Media?
Ninik Rahayu said it is important for journalists to always verify the source of information and avoid the spread of fake news.
Ninik Rahayu said it is important for journalists to always verify the source of information and avoid the spread of fake news.
Indonesian Ambassador to Malaysia Hermono said that based on the death certificate issued by the hospital, Prof. Azyumardi Azra died of "acute inferior myocardial infarction".
There was an upward trend in the last 5 years (2018-2022), starting from 69.00 (2018) to 73.71 points (2019), 75, 27 points (2020), 76.02 points (2021), and 77.88 points in 2022
The IKP placed Papua Province 33rd out of 34 provinces, a declined of 1.16 points compared to 2020 (when its score was recorded) at 70.04
Six local media gathered for Business Viability Workshop in Yogyakarta. They received upgrading on media business facilitated by International Media Support and Suara.com
Presiding judge Muhammad Basir found Chief Pol. Brig. Purwanto and Pol. Brig. Muhammad Firman Subkhi to have violated Article 18 Paragraph (1) of Law No.40/1999 on Press jo. Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.