Oil Palm Company Allegedly Pollute River, Killing Hundreds of Rubber Trees
Waste-contaminated water from nearby river flooded the farming area during rainy days.
Waste-contaminated water from nearby river flooded the farming area during rainy days.
A herd of wild elephants ransacked a replanting area in Alue Rubek Gampong Gunong Buloh, Panga District, Aceh Jaya Regency. The herd has occupied the area since two days ago.
The animal was shot with an anaesthetic before it was evacuated from the plantation area.
Riau Province is estimated to have about 2,806,349 hectares (6,934,639 acres) of oil palm land. With such a large area, the area produces as much as 9.5 million tons of palm oil annually. What are the other four?
A Sumatran elephant was found dead in the Forest Conversion Area (HPK), on Friday, December 10, 2021, at 10 AM.
the minister emphasized the importance of improving the welfare of palm oil farmers and other actors in the palm oil plantation sector.
One is the Indonesia-Denmark Action Plan and the second one is an MoU on Infrastructure Project
President Joko Widodo said he would force all mining and oil palm plantation owners and enterprises to create plant nurseries to ensure the preservation of environment.