Indonesia Borneo Railway Project Canceled
The 203-kilometer Borneo Railroad construction project that crosses North Penajam Paser Regency, West Kutai Regency and Balikpapan City worth IDR 53.3 trillion was canceled
The 203-kilometer Borneo Railroad construction project that crosses North Penajam Paser Regency, West Kutai Regency and Balikpapan City worth IDR 53.3 trillion was canceled
Due to its massive significance and importance as governmental, economic, and military center, capital cities are oftentimes targeted in times of conflict.
After consulting with the House of Representatives, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) would appoint the authority head and deputy head of Indonesia's new capital Nusantara
From geostrategic perspective, Indonesia will have a better strategic depth since Kalimantan is six times bigger than Java."
He questioned the flow of coordination of regional governments because in general, the provincial government coordinates under the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Former Advisor to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Abdullah Hehamahua along with 11 other people submitted a formal judicial review of the State Capital Law (IKN) to the Constitutional Court (MK).
The government aims to push for equal social and economic development across the country by 2045 including through burden-sharing.
Regional offices and directorates will continue to be in use and arent included in the Ministrys inventory.
The allocation of PEN fund has been decided, and it doesnt include the development of new capital.
Jimly Asshiddiqie said status of the former capital city can be changed into special economic region, as opposed to regular province.
The underwater tunnel would be connected to the Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road. "Later, there will be a spot where it will be connected to the IKN and that is where you will cross the river, you will use an underwater crossing tunnel."
"The National Capital Bill has been finalized into law, but it is clear that Jakarta will remain the nation's economic center (in the future)," he said
There are four models proposed. The Academic Paper pushed for the fourth model. What is it?
Its believed to become a new source for economic growth that will accelerate equality in the regions surrounding the new capital.
Whats the history behind the name? How does the meaning change over time?
We will form a team and we will propose the first (metaverse) of the new capital city of Indonesia," said Chairperson of the Bandung Institute of Technology Alumni Association Gembong Primadjaja