Minister Hadi Tjahjanto Asked New Air Chief to Safeguard Natuna Waters and Malacca Strait
Hadi Tjahjanto said that the Indonesian Air Force should always ensure security in Malacca Strait, as well as security in the North Natuna Sea.
Hadi Tjahjanto said that the Indonesian Air Force should always ensure security in Malacca Strait, as well as security in the North Natuna Sea.
There are limits to how far the East Asian country will go to provide support (in any form) for Indonesia in the long-standing territorial disputes with China in the South China Sea
Among the 83 fishing vessels, nine of them were foreign vessels.
At least three presidential regulations have been issued in 2022 on the zoning plan of Java Sea, Sulawesi Sea, and Tomini Bay in Sulawesi.
The Commander of the Fleet Command of the Republic of Indonesia in charge of the Commander of the First Fleet Command, the Commander of the Second Fleet Command, the Commander of the Third Fleet Command.
The plan is part of the effort to enhance safeguarding of Indonesias territorial waters.
The foreign fishing vessel (KIA) with a sign BTH 2122 TS is suspected of illegal fishing in the waters of the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEEI)
Bakamla will fully carry out the duties and roles of the coast guard, namely security, safety, and defense; in this case, as a reserve component of the Indonesian Navy in times of war
priority areas of cooperation are the increasing maritime security and safety capacity, holding talks between coast guards from the two countries, and exchanging information and communication.
Bakamlas KN Pulau Dana-323 captured the foreign vessel during patrol duty on Friday, December 24.
"Indonesia is a big country, a rich country, a country that doesn't need to side with anyone. I tell this message to my friends in China and America," Minister Luhut B Pandjaitan.
The governments of Indonesia and the United States are committed to continuing to enhance concrete cooperation that is mutually beneficial and respectful.
Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries captured 166 vessels carrying out illegal fishing on Indonesian waters in 2021.
Indonesia and China, continued the Minister, are committed to accelerating the implementation of projects within the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) framework and actively encouraging global development initiatives.
The bill was initiated by the government to strengthen Indonesias legal standing in negotiations or claims for settlement of maritime boundaries with neighboring countries, she informed in a press release here on Saturday.
Mahfud MD said improving a socioeconomic development in the North Natuna Sea is as equally important as strengthening the security aspect to guard the much-disputed sea area.