Only 7 Ports in Indonesia Have Installed Radiation Monitors
Radiation monitoring systems can be installed in a number of priority areas such as vital objects, ports, borders, or the entry and exit of goods from abroad to within the country.
Radiation monitoring systems can be installed in a number of priority areas such as vital objects, ports, borders, or the entry and exit of goods from abroad to within the country.
The funding recipients include Himmah Rustiami from the Center for Biosystematics Research and the Evolution of Environmental and Biological Research Organization at BRIN.
The authority needed by IKN whether the authority belongs to the government, provincial, district, city governments are handed over to IKN
Rinca Island is part of the UNESCO World Heritage, Komodo National Park.
Unauthorized activities that continue to take place in the forest area have been causing land degradation in the province.
ADB will assist the Nusantara IKN Authority in designing, assessing potential environmental and social impacts, and raising financing from government and private sector sources.
This highest lake in Southeast Asia has been designated as the World Heritage site by UNESCO.
The 47 projects are in different sectors, including tourism, economic zone, industry, and infrastructure.
Demographic bonus is a condition in which the productive age population is larger than the non-productive population.
Abdurachman and Canilla discussed potential bilateral commitment in intelligent, training, and education.
President Joko Widodo said the State Palace in the National Capital (IKN) Nusantara, East Kalimantan, would be built on the highest plateau at a height of 80 meters above sea level
The reason is building Nusantara is a "giant job" and is complicated.
Cibodas Botanical Garden is a natural attraction located in Bogor, West Java.
The centers will enable BRIN and universities to improve and deepen research and study in specific fields based on each universitys expertise and competence.
Lorentz National Park was designated a world heritage by UNESCO in 1999.
Actors in business and industry are ready to head to endemic status and follow all necessary rules mapped out by the government.
This may be the first toll road with a bicycle lane in Indonesia, because it is a tourist area. So we also have to adapt to the needs of the tourist community
The list of preachers with their alleged radical view has been released.
However, it is necessary to continue with a more in-depth study, especially related to the presence and distribution of surface ruptures or tearing of the soil and rock surfaces as an indication of a zone cut by the fault
Genetically and morphologically this lizard is similar to the Melanesian species, namely Cyrtodactylus papuensis. The difference is seen in its larger body size, more than one row of large thigh scales, and deep precloacal grooves in males