Antam Explores Cooperation to Build Class 1 Nickel Plant
there are two types of nickel, namely class 1 nickel which is used for electric vehicle batteries, and class 2 nickel which is used for stainless steel products.
there are two types of nickel, namely class 1 nickel which is used for electric vehicle batteries, and class 2 nickel which is used for stainless steel products.
The President noted that it is important for national mining industry to catch up on digitalization.
PT Putera Maga Naditama (PMN) is allegedly operating without having conducting environmental impact assessment (AMDAL) and obtaining environmental permit.
"Their operations must only be done legally based on valid work order."
Lower cost of revenue contributed to the positive performance.
Several things needed to be followed up from the visit. "Among them are the implementation of operations in the field by security forces that need to be evaluated, and the reasons for the residents' refusal based on economic, environmental."
Wadas was established as location for andesite mining stone, which will be used as main material to build Bener Purworejo Dam.
The Ministry managed to achieve 121.5 percent of 2021 land reclamation target.
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources said the remaining coal producers who have yet to meet the obligation must need to wait before restarting their export activities.
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources said the step is an effort to ensure the availability of coal supply for power plants in Indonesia.
The total deforestation in South Sulawesi reached 66,158.64 hectares or a deforestation rate of 1.1 hectares per hour.