8 Soldiers Suspected of Mutilating Four Residents of Nduga Papua
The reconstruction shows the role of each of the perpetrators in the murder incident which was carried out by mutilating the victim's body and then put into six different sacks.
The reconstruction shows the role of each of the perpetrators in the murder incident which was carried out by mutilating the victim's body and then put into six different sacks.
Alternative tobacco products pose lower threat to health compared to cigarettes.
The position of MenPAN-RB has been vacant since Tjahjo Kumolo, PDI-Perjuangan politician passed away on July 1, 2022.
Zailis was brutally tortured by her employer in Malaysia.
The two agencies will continue their joint training.
Hugo Nathanael Yuwono, who is still 16 years old, stated, Math for Humanity is a social action by providing online math lessons to students and donating the earnings to charity.
BKSDA is investigating the death of a male Sumatran elephant in a rubber plantation located in Suo-suo village in Tebo regency, Jambi.
For hajj pilgrimage this year, Indonesia got quota of 100,051.
Traditional fishermen decided to force the five fishing vessels to leave the waters because they used trawl nets.
There are limits to how far the East Asian country will go to provide support (in any form) for Indonesia in the long-standing territorial disputes with China in the South China Sea
The Indonesian Consulate General (KJRI) in Johor Bahru confirmed that it had rescued seven Indonesian seafarers who were adrift at Malaysian waters for two days.
IB (35), local fisher from Bagan Deli, Belawan subdistrict, Medan, was arrested by authorities after he was found to be carrying the protected wildlife without any required permits.
the citizenship process of Jordi Amat and Sandy Walsh will be forwarded to the Ministry of State Secretariat to be submitted to President Joko Widodo. The President will later issue a Presidential Decree for the citizenship of the two names.
"Norwegian people are not many, only 5.5 million people. But this is a rich country and people really like to try new things," Indonesian Ambassador to Norway stated.
All of them were being taken to capital city Port Moresby from Daru.
He was born in Rokan Hulu, Riau, on November 5, 1784, and joined the struggle with Tuanku Imam Bonjol. After the Padri War, Tuanku Tambusai and his troops moved to the Peninsula to live and settle down.
for Islamic boarding schools, there is already Law No. 18 of 2019 concerning Islamic Boarding Schools and its implementing regulations governing the Pesantren Endowment Fund
The Indonesian National Police's Code of Ethics Commission session decided that Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was proven to have violated the Police's code of ethics.
The task force that will monitor the use of trawl and seine nets within its territorial waters in a bid to protect traditional fishermen.
Rendang is a delicacy from West Sumatra, Indonesia, which has been recognized abroad.