Combating Illegal Fishing, Indonesia Partners with 10 Nearby Countries
The cooperation involves member countries of the Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) to Promote Responsible Fishing Practices, including Combating IUU Fishing in the Region.
The cooperation involves member countries of the Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) to Promote Responsible Fishing Practices, including Combating IUU Fishing in the Region.
Court judges said He Xian Dong violating the law when his fishing vessel entered Indonesian territorial waters in June.
Among the 83 fishing vessels, nine of them were foreign vessels.
The plan is part of the effort to enhance safeguarding of Indonesias territorial waters.
The capture took place during the first patrol operation in 2022 on Saturday, January 15.
Bakamlas KN Pulau Dana-323 captured the foreign vessel during patrol duty on Friday, December 24.
Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries captured 166 vessels carrying out illegal fishing on Indonesian waters in 2021.