3 Terrorist Suspects Detained, Plan Terror Attack This December
Based on the result of an investigation, the three suspects were allegedly involved in a plan to launch a terror attack in this province at the end of 2021
Based on the result of an investigation, the three suspects were allegedly involved in a plan to launch a terror attack in this province at the end of 2021
problems concerning prosperity are not just limited to the issues of unemployment, economical gap, and poverty but also to the problem of land conflict that had become one of the crucial issues in Indonesia.
A hashtag earlier circulating among Twitter users, who were venting their frustration on law enforcers.
Deputy chairman of Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) Edwin Partogi Pasaribu called for the Indonesian government to continue investigating and to immediately solve serious human rights violations.
"I remind you to be careful, as the public satisfaction score has declined this year after we recorded an increase in the score in 2019 and 2020," the president told regional police heads
On December 1, several youths in Jayapura raising the morning star flag in a sport center.
He said 14 cases of human rights abuses have been reported in Papua, including Paniai. The cases of human rights abuses involving the TNI in Papua were among the issues that security minister Mahfud MD discussed with General Perkasa on November 25
Estimated aroun 60 million women in Indonesia had underwent female genital mutilation.
Human rights defender Veronica Koman got another terror that related to her activity. Sunday, 7 November 2021, 10.26 Jakarta time, two packs of suspicious packages exploded, spraying green, yellow, and red paints.