Machu Picchu, The Holiest Site of the Inca Civilization in Peru
Machu Picchu is a relic of the Inca civilization which is located in the Andes Mountains, precisely in the Urubamba Valley, Peru.
Machu Picchu is a relic of the Inca civilization which is located in the Andes Mountains, precisely in the Urubamba Valley, Peru.
Here are four facts about NASA that you might not know.
YouTube remembers every video you've ever watched, assuming you're logged in with your Google account. Here's how to clear YouTube watch history.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO is an alliance of 30 nations bordering the North Atlantic Ocean.
This building was the administrative headquarters of the Dutch East India Company, and later of the Dutch Government.
He was born in Rokan Hulu, Riau, on November 5, 1784, and joined the struggle with Tuanku Imam Bonjol. After the Padri War, Tuanku Tambusai and his troops moved to the Peninsula to live and settle down.
Prince Diponegoro is a famous figure in Indonesia's history of independence.
Tempeh has snatched the world's attention because of its high protein benefit. Tempeh has a long history in Indonesia.
Soekarnos spirit of nationalism started to grow when he was living with nationalist Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto, or HOS Tjokroaminoto.
Pendet Dance was originally a worship dance that was often performed in pura, places of worship for Hindus in Bali.
Whats the history behind the name? How does the meaning change over time?
It seems only proper to visit tourist attractions in Surabaya that will offer deeper and closer looks into the countrys past.
The Museum of Nan Baanjuang Traditional House in Bukittinggi city's Kinantan Zoological Park has 600 historical artifacts comprising local ancient cultural objects and relics
Raden Gatot Taroenamihardja passed away on December 24, 1971. His cemetery was left uncared. Last month, the Attorney General Office serves him a proper burial.
In Bali, the banyan tree has a sacred meaning for the community. This tree has a role as the center of the community activity or you may call it, a community mall.