Guardians of Maratua Island and Their Fight to Preserve Ecosystems
Located in the Derawan Islands in East Kalimantan, bordering southern Philippines and East Malaysia, Maratua is an island that captivates with its expanse of blue sea.
Located in the Derawan Islands in East Kalimantan, bordering southern Philippines and East Malaysia, Maratua is an island that captivates with its expanse of blue sea.
Although East Kalimantan is currently experiencing the rainy season, several locations have still not received rains in a few days.
The designated land is located in Paser, Kurtai Kartanegara, and North Penajam Paser regencies.
The PUPR Ministry has proposed a budget for the development of land, toll roads, roads, national roads, logistics roads, and workers' apartments.
Information about the 13 hotspots were immediately communicated to all concerning agencies.
IS was found dead in the apartment yard on Thursday morning (June 1, 2022). The police found a sheet of paper containing an apology in the victim's apartment room.
The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) through a station in Balikpapan City, detected three hotspots (hot spots) spread over two districts in East Kalimantan Province
Taking part in building the future land, the soil and water from 34 provinces were mixed into Nusantara Barrel, as a diversity representation.
President Joko Widodo said the State Palace in the National Capital (IKN) Nusantara, East Kalimantan, would be built on the highest plateau at a height of 80 meters above sea level
34 Governors will arrive at the camp site, bringing soil and water from each provinces.
The 203-kilometer Borneo Railroad construction project that crosses North Penajam Paser Regency, West Kutai Regency and Balikpapan City worth IDR 53.3 trillion was canceled
After consulting with the House of Representatives, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) would appoint the authority head and deputy head of Indonesia's new capital Nusantara
He questioned the flow of coordination of regional governments because in general, the provincial government coordinates under the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Former Advisor to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Abdullah Hehamahua along with 11 other people submitted a formal judicial review of the State Capital Law (IKN) to the Constitutional Court (MK).
The government aims to push for equal social and economic development across the country by 2045 including through burden-sharing.
The work will be carried out in collaboration with South Korean government in the form of converting oil and gas platforms (rigs to reefs).
Mandau is a weapon that the Dayak Melayu Tribe owns.
Regional offices and directorates will continue to be in use and arent included in the Ministrys inventory.
Indonesia plans to move its capital city from Jakarta to East Kalimantan Province (around 200 KM of Northeast Jakarta).
There are four models proposed. The Academic Paper pushed for the fourth model. What is it?