Affordable Medication and Consumer Safety Highlighted BPOM's Works
"We have cut the licensing process for innovative drugs from 300 working days to 120 or even 90 working days," says BPOM Head Taruna Ikrar.
"We have cut the licensing process for innovative drugs from 300 working days to 120 or even 90 working days," says BPOM Head Taruna Ikrar.
He added that the three foreigners who had and used cocaine were still being held by the Bali BNN for further investigation.
"I remain consistent not to (discuss the discourse) legalizing marijuana, said The Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) RI Commissioner General of Police Petrus Reinhard Golose
Police suspect the source is the Middle East. One Afghan national is detained.
The methamphetamine was allegedly sent via the southern coast of West Java.
In addition to convalescent plasma therapy, antiviral drugs Ivermectin, Hidroksiklorokun, Azitromisin, and Oseltamivir have also been excluded from the manual.
Four people arrested in Central Sulawesi. They smuggled the drugs from Sabah, Malaysia.
Bali Police revealed a distribution case of 5.4 kilograms (kg) marijuana packages.