Canada Offers Support to Indonesia in Nuclear Energy Development
Canada is prepared to support the establishment of a nuclear energy ecosystem, develop relevant regulations, and provide funding.
Canada is prepared to support the establishment of a nuclear energy ecosystem, develop relevant regulations, and provide funding.
"The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) will immediately build temporary housing," said Coordinating Minister Pratikno.
The implementation of green economy is part of an economic transformation.
Belitung in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands (Babel) as a pilot area for the development of Integrated Area Development (IAD) to accelerate economic growth and community welfare
The government has updated the National Strategic Projects list ahead of the second semester of 2022, which saw 208 projects and 10 programs set in 2021 updated to 200 projects and 12 programs.
Belitung Government prepares tourist destinations that will be visited by the G20 delegates during the Development Working Group (DWG) event inSeptember.
Data is still limited and different in various institutions.
"The government has to continuously monitor in-person learning to protect students from the spread of acute hepatitis."
although there is an increase in global wheat and crude oil prices which have the potential to raise inflation, the increase in coal, palm oil, and nickel prices will provide higher income for Indonesia
ADB will assist the Nusantara IKN Authority in designing, assessing potential environmental and social impacts, and raising financing from government and private sector sources.
Due to its massive significance and importance as governmental, economic, and military center, capital cities are oftentimes targeted in times of conflict.
The government aims to push for equal social and economic development across the country by 2045 including through burden-sharing.
BRIN will open registration for open selection in a special network of OR heads and PR heads with two stages, namely the stage of ranking based on administrative fulfillment and track records, and the interview stage.
The military and commercial products manufacturer has the sufficient and necessary capabilities to produce the electric car.
Nusantara has been chosen by President Joko Widodo to become the name of the new capital.
Increased per capita income, controlled open unemployment rate, and the considerably maintained fluctuation in poverty at village level are among some of the factors taken into account by the Ministry.
problems concerning prosperity are not just limited to the issues of unemployment, economical gap, and poverty but also to the problem of land conflict that had become one of the crucial issues in Indonesia.