What Is Long Covid? The Symptoms You Need to Know
For most people, light or moderate Covid-19 only last for two weeks. However, for some others, long-term Covid-19 can cause a series of persistent health problems.
For most people, light or moderate Covid-19 only last for two weeks. However, for some others, long-term Covid-19 can cause a series of persistent health problems.
The Indonesian government lifted all of the Covid-19 restrictions on December 30th, 2022, as the country is inching toward an endemic phase.
The circular letter is effective starting on August 25, 2022.
President Joko Widodo bestowed honorary signs of Bintang Mahaputera Pratama, Bintang Budaya Parama Dharma, and Bintang Jasa to 127 figures during the award ceremony at the State Palace, Jakarta, on Friday, August 12, 2022.
Antibody levels owned by 98.5 percent of Indonesia's population increased more than four times compared to December 2021 and July 2022.
Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati stated that the Indonesian economy has returned to the pre-COVID level based on the aspects of the gross domestic product (GDP) and state budget deficit.
The thread-shaped microplastics were indicated to have a similar shape and chemical composition as medical masks.
Empirically, the sungkai plant, especially the young leaves, is believed can be used as an alternative medicine to prevent COVID-19 because of its ability as an immune booster or increase immunity
A decision to this effect was made during a limited cabinet meeting chaired by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on Monday.
The four drugs are Favipiravir, Remdesivir, Regdanvimab, and Molnupiravir
"Currently, we are doing clinical trials for the primary vaccine first. The possible priority is for the need for a booster (third dose) and for children. We still lack the supply of vaccines for children."
The minister noted that two factors caused COVID-19 vaccines to expire, with the first being, donated vaccines, with a short expiry date. Second?
the first condition is in accordance with the World Health Organizations regulation requiring the number of additional confirmed, active, and mortality cases per 100 thousand people to be at Level 1 for three consecutive months
Indonesia still needs to pursue the target of 70-percent complete vaccination for the entire population in order to achieve herd immunity against COVID-19 transmission
"Why do we need to continue PPKM if the COVID-19 condition has already been under control?" a minister asked.
The Head of State also decided to allow the public not to use masks if they are doing outdoor activities or in open areas that are not crowded.
Since March 24 until May 12, or for eight weeks, the (COVID-19) reproduction rate has been consistent at the score 1. This means that for eight weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic (in Indonesia) has been brought under control
The Ministry of Health reported that 40,967,039 people have received the third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine (booster) on Friday, May 6, 2022.
"The relaxation of activities (restrictions) in almost all provinces has, in fact, (caused) no significant increase in cases," she noted at a press conference on COVID-19 Vaccine Dynamics,
The government will remain cautious and vigilant so that Indonesia does not experience a high trend of transmission of cases, such as during the peak of cases of the Delta and Omicron variants of COVID-19.