KNKT Forms Investigating Team Following Train Collision in Bandung
"KAI will conduct a joint investigation with KNKT to find out the reason behind the train collision," said KAI's Vice President of Public Relations, Joni Martinus.
"KAI will conduct a joint investigation with KNKT to find out the reason behind the train collision," said KAI's Vice President of Public Relations, Joni Martinus.
KCJB is a symbol of two state leaders friendship, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and President Xi Jinping, to present reliable, comfortable and modern future connectivity
"Don't be trapped in wanting to disburse state budget funds to cover cost overruns," said Amin Ak, an Indonesian law maker.
Widely known as home to the latest-fashion-trend in West Java Province, Bandung is always a good place for anyone who seeks high fashion clothing choices.
Situated30km north of the city of Bandung, the mountain is the only crater in Indonesia that you can drive up to its very rim.
Here are the4recommended camping grounds in Bandung, start from glamping to the cheap camping ground.
Mr. Prabowos remarks reminded me of the famous Bandung Conference held 67 years ago in Indonesia."
Has anyone seen the new poster illustration of the Turning Red movie on the official Instagram account @pixarturningred?
The retention ponds will temporarily retain water to prevent flood and to reserve the water to later be processed by water company, or PDAM.
Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train would start testing at the end of 2022 and be able to operate in June 2023
The Ahmad Nawawi satay stall is always crowded by buyers because of its delectable taste.
Synergizes with PT Katalis Sinergi Indonesia, a joint venture between PT Pertamina (Persero), PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), and the Bandung Institute of Technology
However, it is necessary to continue with a more in-depth study, especially related to the presence and distribution of surface ruptures or tearing of the soil and rock surfaces as an indication of a zone cut by the fault
Based on the current assessment, areas such as Jabodetabek, Yogyakarta, Bali, and Bandung will be on Level 3 PPKM. This is not due to the high number of cases, but due to low tracing
Hot air balloon tourism is now present in Indonesia and is a favorite of travelers. A new way to enjoy the view from a height, hot air balloons are in Bali, Jakarta, Bandung, and East Java.
Jakarta is not on the list. According to the Urban Transition Coalition, Cities are responsible for 75 percent of the world's total carbon emissions.
This site offers you many exciting spots to educate your kids about countries in Asia and Africa.
Bandung COVID-19 Task Force said it has vaccinated all of its adults with at least the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
Indonesian Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection said it would support maximum penalty to owner and teacher of an Islamic boarding school in West Java who raped 12 students between 2016 and 2021.
Mayor of Bandung Oded Muhammad Danial has died aged 59 on Friday, December 10.