The Mysterious Brown Jelly Foam-like Liquid in Bima Bay West Nusa Tenggara
Initial prediction, it is thought as sea snot phenomenon. Is it dangerous?
Initial prediction, it is thought as sea snot phenomenon. Is it dangerous?
Good news for Marvel fans in Indonesia!Marvel Exhibition will be coming soon for the first time in Indonesia.
According to the five suspects recently arrested in Banjarbaru and Banjarmasin City along with some eight kg of crystal methamphetamine, the drug lord and owner of the seized drug packages are identified as Mr. M.
First, he urged his ranks to focus on increasing the utilization of local components, so that government spending on capital goods and services must be directed towards the purchase of domestic products.
With an area of 12hectares, Saloka Theme Park provides25exciting rides with a theme of the legend of the people of Central Java.
Only 27.2 percent of senior citizens across the country have received COVID-19 booster shot.
The two airports are planned to welcome international tourists to the province.
"Cable car becomes an alternative for tourists who cant climb, so they can still see the beauty of Mount Rinjani."
Did you know that Indonesia has the largest swimming pool in Southeast Asia?
It has becoming normal in many countries, and it will take about six to eight months [for the aviation] to be normal in Indonesia."
A video of Canadian tourist has gone viral after dancing without any clothes on top of Mount Batur in Bali.
"Currently Sea Limited is not yet a shareholder. But at certain times we are open to dilution from around 60 percent to 50 percent," said BNI
Elon Musk promised to change his schedule in order to meet directly with President Jokowi, who is also scheduled to visit SpaceX," said Luhut
Ministry of Health has announced that Sinovac vaccine will be used as a COVID-19 booster shot.
Bali Zoo welcomed the first-ever birth of the Sumatran Elephant.
BP2MI confirmed that 64,811 PMI have returned to Indonesia between January and April this year.
Nusantara is projected to be a catalyst for East Kalimantan by encouraging future economic development through the cooperation of the triangle cities of Samarinda, Balikpapan, and Nusantara.
A company in Semarang has made a breakthrough by making sarongs from denim material.
He said the decision wasnt made lightly by President Joko Widodo because while export results in shortage and price hike in Indonesia, it contributes greatly to national economy.
According to a statement of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), the earlier huge eruption of the volcano on December 22, 2018, had caused an underwater landslide that triggered a tsunami