Indonesia Open to Exporting Chicken to Singapore After Malaysia's Ban
Indonesia will try to push poultry export to Singapore.
Indonesia will try to push poultry export to Singapore.
"And they have been found in four people in Bali."
the electricity needs in the new capital city (IKN) Nusantara would use both new and renewable energy-based power plants that produce no emissions.
Indonesian global singer, Anggun C. Sasmi successfully "Nyinden" in Paris on Wednesday, June 8, 2022.
"Currently, we are doing clinical trials for the primary vaccine first. The possible priority is for the need for a booster (third dose) and for children. We still lack the supply of vaccines for children."
The Indonesian national football got optimistic results after playing the first match of Group A of the 2023 Asian Cup Qualification.
Get to know traditional Javanese Foods and their philosophical meaning.
Hundreds of mangrove trees were also planted.
The Emil Salim Biodiversity Park will complement the role of forests in conserving the species of plants and animals.
"Starting from nickel mining, then the smelter, the refinery, the construction of the cathode and precursor industries, the lithium battery, the EV battery, the electric battery, and the car as well," Jokowi noted
the company that littered the most in Bali was Danone Aqua with a total of 27,486 items of plastic waste or 12 percent of the total analyzed plastic waste
The traditional health polyclinic has treated more than 100 patients.
Residents are allowed to utilize plants within venerated forests only after holding a ritual at a temple close to the forests. Some plants are even marked to be used for only religious ritual or medical care purposes
There have been improvements made since the program first kick-started.
Japanese NPA had been investigating an alleged fraud on subsidy funds for small businesses that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
President attends a ceremony for the second phase of the integrated electric battery industry. After that, the President is scheduled to go to Omah Tani Field, Batang Regency, to celebrate the harvest of the Social Forestry Community Movement.
The state-owned airline PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero) or Merpati Airlines was officially declared bankrupt by the Surabaya Commercial Court
E Ramos Petege, a young man from Gabaikunu Village, Central Mapia, Dogiyai Regency, Papua, sued Law No. 16/2019 concerning Marriage to the Constitutional Court after failing to marry a Muslim woman due to different beliefs.
Albanese is likely to continue his predecessors' tradition of undertaking an inaugural state visit at the start of their prime ministership.
Local governments have proposed this area as a global geopark to the national government since 2020 and subsequently to UNESCO.