
Dolphins are Protected Animals: An Investigation into Dolphin Slaughter

RR Ukirsari Manggalani
An illustration of the dolphins. Dolphins are protected animals [Pixabay]
An illustration of the dolphins. Dolphins are protected animals [Pixabay] - The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has launched an investigation into a reported case of dolphin slaughter by a resident of Muna District, Southeast Sulawesi.

The Makassar Coastal and Marine Resources Management Center (BPSPL) Kendari team, in collaboration with fisheries extension workers and local law enforcement, including the Babinsa, is conducting a comprehensive investigation into the incident.

According to Antara News Agency, this investigation aims to determine the motives and intended uses of the dolphins by the alleged perpetrators, as stated by Doni Ismanto Darwin, Special Staff to the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries for Public Relations and Public Communication, when contacted by Antara in Jakarta on Saturday.

The inquiry was triggered by reports of a fisherman from Komba-Komba Village in Kabangka District, Muna Regency, who is suspected of slaughtering a captured dolphin. The incident took place on Friday, March 7, and a 59-second video of the event circulated widely on WhatsApp the same day.

"Field verification has confirmed the reports are accurate," Darwin stated.

He further revealed that, according to field team coordination, the alleged perpetrator is not affiliated with any established fishing groups in Komba-Komba Village, Kabangka District, Muna Regency.

As a result, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries has initiated outreach efforts to the alleged perpetrator and is implementing preventive measures to avoid similar incidents in the future.

Dolphins are protected animals under Indonesian Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning the Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and their Ecosystems, as amended by Law Number 32 of 2024. Unauthorized exploitation of dolphins from the wild is a violation of these regulations.


Tag # dolphins # southeast sulawesi # slaughter # ministry of marine affairs and fisheries

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