
Minister of SOEs Highlighted Direct Train Service Benefits

RR Ukirsari Manggalani
Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir at Gambir Station before departure to Semarang using direct train, Jakarta, Monday (9/12/2024) (ANTARA/HO-BUMN)
Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir at Gambir Station before departure to Semarang using direct train, Jakarta, Monday (9/12/2024) (ANTARA/HO-BUMN) - Minister of State-Owned Entreprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir stated that the direct train service from Jakarta to Semarang, Central Java, is a solution for comfortable and efficient transportation.

The remarks came as Thohir undertook a direct train trial trip from Gambir Station in Jakarta to Semarang Tawang Station with Minister of Transportation Dudy Purwagandhi, President Director of PT KAI (Persero) Didiek Hartantyo, and President's Special Envoy for the Development of the Young Generation and Arts Workers Raffi Ahmad on Monday (Dec 9) evening.

"We are trying to provide a service solution through the Jakarta-Semarang direct train service for the public," he noted in a statement in Jakarta on Tuesday.

The trip was conducted to evaluate the latest breakthrough in land transportation, which he said attracted public attention, proven by the high demand for direct train tickets.

"We hope Raffi (Ahmad) and other influencers join this trip to promote the direct train route, as it is attracting public interest, where tickets already sold out," Erick remarked.

In addition, Thohir highlighted the station's improvements, including the shower room, lockers, various culinary choices, and pharmacy available at Gambir station.

"Hopefully, this will also be an improvement in service following the direction of President Prabowo, who ensures that we continue to improve services to the community," he stated.

Erick also commended the synergy between the Ministry of SOEs, the Ministry of Transportation, and PT KAI. [Antara]


Tag # minister of soes # erick thohir # train # mass transportation # convenience

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