Higher Education Minister Affirmed UI's Right to Suspend Lahadalia's Title
![Higher Education, Science, and Technology Minister Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro delivers press statements after a closed-door meeting with Commission X of the House of Representatives (DPR) in Jakarta, on November 18, 2024. [ANTARA/Tri Meilani Ameliya]](https://media.theindonesia.id/thumbs/2024/11/19/53915-higher-education-science-and-technology-minister-satryo-soemantri-brodjonegoro/653x366-img-53915-higher-education-science-and-technology-minister-satryo-soemantri-brodjonegoro.jpg)
TheIndonesia.co - Higher Education, Science, and Technology Minister Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro emphasized that the University of Indonesia (UI) wields the authority to suspend the doctoral degree it awarded to Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Bahlil Lahadalia.
"The rector of UI is fully entitled to the right to it (the suspension)," he told reporters when asked for his view on the matter after a closed-door meeting with Commission X of the House of Representatives (DPR) in Jakarta on Monday, as quoted by Antara.
Brodjonegoro affirmed that his ministry would not intervene in the polemic, as he believes every university has the authority to deal with its internal issues.
"We are not intervening in this kind of issue. Rectors can improve and handle activities at their respective campuses according to prevailing norms," he pointed out.
On November 13, UI decided to suspend Lahadalia's doctorate degree following integrity concerns voiced by members of the public regarding the minister's feat of completing his doctoral study in less than two years.
In its official statement, the university apologized to the public regarding the issues revolving around Lahadalia, who is registered as a doctoral program student in its School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG).
UI, one of the country's largest and most prestigious universities, stated that it had conducted an in-depth evaluation of the governance of the doctoral program of the SKSG to maintain its academic quality and integrity.
An investigation team of the university, which comprises members of the academic senate and council of professors, has conducted a comprehensive audit of the doctoral program at SKSG — from student admission to the examination process.
Furthermore, the UI Council of Professors also plans an ethics hearing on potential violations committed while supervising SKSG doctoral program students.
The university highlighted that all the responsive measures are meant to ensure that its educational activities are implemented professionally and free from potential conflicts of interest.