The European Union Will Continue to Support the Local Media Summit
Saiti Gusrini said the European Union will continue to support independent media and journalists, including by protecting media workers.
Saiti Gusrini said the European Union will continue to support independent media and journalists, including by protecting media workers.
Vice Minister Nezar Patria said it is important for the media to adapt and innovate to the development of technology.
The Local Media Summit 2024 brought together Indonesian media leaders to address digital challenges. The summit emphasized local media's role in providing accurate news and adapting to changing audience needs.
TheIndonesia.co - The Jatim Media Summit (JMS) was successfully held for the second time. This time, JMS 2024, which brought together local media managers in East Java and various parties who care about the development of the media, was held at the Whiz Luxe Hotel, Surabaya, Thursday (7/25/2024).
"Many media, campus, and community friends immediately registered for the peak event of JMS 2024 when we held events (roadshows) in Bojonegoro, Malang, and Jember. Judging from the data received, there were more than 100 people who registered," said Dwi Eko Lokononto, CEO of Beritajatim.com, in his remarks.
The holding of this event is expected to provide benefits for all parties who care about media development.
"Through events like this we can learn together. In addition to writing and creating content, we also need to build an ecosystem," said Suwarjono, CEO of Suara.com.
Present since the morning to open this activity, the Acting Governor of East Java, Adhy Karyono, conveyed his response. According to him, JMS 2024 is very interesting and very useful.
"I attended because the title was extraordinary 'Media Summit'. Moreover, seeing the speakers, it must be very useful, to the point that it was attended by various groups from outside East Java," he said.
According to Adhy, if you look at online news which now seems to be a powerful weapon including for bureaucratic circles, he hopes that these media can be independent, professional, able to support the company, and of course can report real and correct information.
"How our learning can have an impact on society, real, accurate, and reliable. Hopefully there will be verification related to media crews. Including in delivering news, opinions, and others, including in working on other ecosystems," he added.
JMS 2024 itself presents a number of speakers who are present directly to share knowledge related to media developments. Among them are Danny Yong (Media Business Advisor IMS), Ignatius Haryanto (Lecturer at UI & UMN), and Rini Yustiningsih (COO Solopos Media Group), who appeared in the first session after the opening ceremony.
Each speaker who appeared in the conference session spoke about different but related topics, namely "Digital Media Landscape in Indonesia", the topic "1001 Tricks to Develop a Media Business", and "Local Media Business Models".
Next there were Esther Irawati Setiawan (Doctor of AI, STTS Institute) and Eva Danayanti (IMS Indonesia Programme Manager), who both spoke about the development of the use of AI (artificial intelligence) by the media. They appeared in a session with the topic "AI for Small Scale Newsroom".
In the next session, there was Kiki Priskilla (Senior Manager Publisher Growth AnyMind), who appeared to speak on the topic "Digging Digital Revenue with the Ad Native Platform". And lastly, there was a session filled by Dimas Sagita (Head of Social Media Arkadia Digital Media), with the topic "Creative Video Production That Fits Your Audience".
Not only session after session of learning with interesting topics, the JMS 2024 activity was also filled with the announcement of the Top 3 Media Innovation Awards which were participated by Gresik media and had previously gone through several phases. The awards were finally received by Gresik Satu, Kabar Gresik, and Info Gresik media respectively.
Then, there was also a session for the presentation of the 2024 Jatim Media Summit Award, which was given to several institutions and figures. Each of them was the "Local Media Supporting Institution" award for the Surabaya Institute of Applied Science and Technology (ISTTS); "Local Media Supporting Figure" was given to the Regent of Jember Hendy Siswanto and the Regent of Kediri Hanindhito Himawan Pramana; and "Local Media Supporting Company" which was given to Pertamina Subholding Upstream Regional Indonesia Timur, ExxonMobil, and Bank Jatim.
Jatim Media Summit 2024, a collaborative event between Suara.com and Beritajatim.com, was also successfully held thanks to the support of several parties, both in facilitating and sponsorship. This support is certainly something to be happy about and deserves to be appreciated at least with a thank you.