
VP Amin Believed Nusantara Can Become Pioneer of Smart Transportation

Arsito Hidayatullah
Vice President Ma’ruf Amin delivers his remarks at the opening of the 19th Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Asia Pacific Forum 2024 in Jakarta, May 28, 2024. [ANTARA/HO-Biro Pers Setwapres]
Vice President Ma’ruf Amin delivers his remarks at the opening of the 19th Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Asia Pacific Forum 2024 in Jakarta, May 28, 2024. [ANTARA/HO-Biro Pers Setwapres] - Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin said that the new capital city of Nusantara in East Kalimantan could serve as a pioneer of a smart and sustainable transportation-based city.

At the 19th Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Asia Pacific Forum 2024 in Jakarta on Tuesday, he noted that the government is currently integrating smart transportation systems and smart city designs into the development of Nusantara.

As quoted by Antara, Amin remarked that the government is also currently endeavoring to support technological innovation development, such as the establishment of standards for electric cars, electric vehicle incentive programs, and other programs that encourage transition.

He emphasized the government’s efforts to integrate a smart transportation system into modern infrastructure development in Indonesia, aiming to enhance the economy and competitiveness while prioritizing environmental considerations.

During the event, Amin also highlighted several points aimed at formulating concrete recommendations.

Firstly, he underscored the importance of learning from other nations while considering each country’s unique conditions and needs.

He said that Tuesday's meeting was an opportunity to share information and experiences to help decide on policy directions in each country.

The second point emphasizes the need for cross-sectoral collaboration among the government, private entities, and academia to develop comprehensive solutions for improved urban mobility.

"This solution will encourage the realization of a better world for our future generations," he said.

The third point focuses on enhancing public literacy regarding smart transportation through education and informative publications.

Amin assessed that the community needs to know the benefits and how to use the system to boost economic activities by still prioritizing environment-friendly principles.

Lastly, he emphasized the importance of inclusive and equitable transportation technology development, ensuring that everyone, including the state, benefits without exclusion.

Tag # vp maruf amin # maruf amin # smart transportation # ikn nusantara # indonesian vice president

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