
And the "UN Woman Police of the Year" Award Goes to Renita Rismayanti

Arsito Hidayatullah
First Brigadier Renita Rismayanti of the National Police (Polri) receives the UN Woman Police of the Year in New York on Thursday, November 16, 2023. [ANTARA/HO-DivHumas Polri]
First Brigadier Renita Rismayanti of the National Police (Polri) receives the UN Woman Police of the Year in New York on Thursday, November 16, 2023. [ANTARA/HO-DivHumas Polri] - First Brigadier Renita Rismayanti of the National Police (Polri) serving in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) was awarded the UN Woman Police of the Year.

According to Head of the National Police Public Relations, Inspector General Sandi Nugroho, before Rismayanti, the same award was bestowed upon the Indonesian Women Police in 2011.

"In that year, one of Indonesia's women police was [also] bestowed the international-level award," Nugroho remarked on Friday, as quoted by Antara.

Nugroho noted that Rismayanti had dedicated herself to fulfilling duties as a crime database officer to the MINUSCA.

"With her experience serving in the International Relations Division of the National Police, Rismayanti showed her best performance until it was recognized by the United Nations Headquarters (UNHQ) and was given the award," he stated.

Rismayanti received the award on Thursday, November 16, 2023, during the annual UN Police Week at the UN Headquarters in New York.

UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix praised Rismayanti's role in peacekeeping, assisting the UN Police's work in conceptualizing and developing a criminal database that allows the UN Police to map and analyze hotspots of chaos.

With the database, Rismayanti has helped the state security forces to better plan their operations.

"She is a great example of how women's participation and leadership enhances the effectiveness of protection and peacekeeping," Lacroix stated.

UN Police Adviser Faisal Shahkar added that Rismayanti has contributed to the progress and work of the UN Police.

According to Shahkar, Rismayanti's contribution to the UN Police proves that women police officers can also come up with new technology-based ideas.

"She and her colleagues have helped build trust and confidence between the local authority and communities, which makes the work of the United Nations Police more effective and people safer," Shahkar stated.

Tag # woman police # renita rismayanti # un police # award # indonesian national police

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