
House of Representatives Pass Health Bill Despite Its Debatable Provisions

Aulia Hafisa
Participants of the protest against the Health Law Bill wearing hazmat suits in front of the Indonesian House of Representatives building, Jakarta. (
Participants of the protest against the Health Law Bill wearing hazmat suits in front of the Indonesian House of Representatives building, Jakarta. ( - The Health Bill was officially ratified by the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) into the Health Law during a plenary session on Tuesday, July 11, 2023.

Prior to its ratification, the 2023 Health Bill sparked both support and opposition among healthcare professionals due to its debatable provisions. Some argued that the bill's passage seemed rushed as it had only begun to be discussed in 2022.

Among the many debated points, there were at least several provisions that were improved in the 2023 Health Law according to the Minister of Health. Here is an explanation, as quoted from the Ministry of Health's website:

Key Points of the 2023 Health Law

1. Shifting from Treatment to Prevention

The focus shifts from treatment to prevention. Emphasis is placed on a community-based healthcare approach and the standardization of primary care services and public health laboratories throughout Indonesia.

2. Access to Healthcare Services

Secondly, efforts are made to strengthen referral healthcare services by fulfilling human resources infrastructure, facilities, utilizing telemedicine, and developing networks to support priority services as well as internationally standardized national flagship services.

3. Self-Sufficient Domestic Industry

The government also agrees with the Indonesian House of Representatives that it is necessary to strengthen pharmaceutical and medical device resilience through strengthening the supply chain from upstream to downstream. Priority is given to the use of domestic raw materials and products, providing incentives to industries engaged in domestic research, development, and production.

4. Disaster-Resilient Health System

Another agreement is the need to strengthen pre-disaster preparedness and coordinated disaster response by preparing healthcare personnel who can be mobilized when disasters occur.

5. Transparent and Effective Financing

The implementation of performance-based budgeting refers to the national health programs outlined in the health sector's master plan, serving as clear guidelines for the central and regional governments.

Protests and Controversies Surrounding the Health Bill

Despite the official ratification of the 2023 Health Law, there are still several issues that have raised concerns and sparked debates. Some of these points include:

Lifetime validity of the healthcare professional license (STR) and recommendations from professional organizations for obtaining the Practicing License (SIP). Allocation of healthcare budget. Presence of foreign healthcare workers in Indonesia.

These are some of the highlights regarding the content of the highly debated 2023 Health Bill. However, please note that this article does not cover all the details, and for a comprehensive understanding, it is advisable to refer directly to the official document. We hope this article has been informative, and we wish you success in your future endeavors.

Tag # health law # the health bill # house of representative

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