Leachate Pollution, Ministry Will Soon Close Landfill in Lampung
During the latest inspection, the Ministry of Environment has installed a notice board declaring that the Bakung Landfill site is under its supervision.
During the latest inspection, the Ministry of Environment has installed a notice board declaring that the Bakung Landfill site is under its supervision.
Discharged Indonesian police general Ferdy Sambo was sentenced to death after the court found him guilty of murdering his fellow police guard and assistant, Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat.
The police has named six suspects accused of obstructing justice in the murder case of Brigadier J.
TheIndonesia.co - A police officer at the Way Pengubuan Police Sector, Second Assistant Inspector of Police AK, died in front of his house in Bandar Jaya Barat Village, Terbanggi Besar District, Central Lampung, Lampung Province, Sunday night, September 4, 2022.
AK, who is working in Putra Lempuyang Village, Way Pangubuan, Central Lampung, was allegedly shot by a fellow police officer, the Second Assistant Inspector of RS, a provost at the Way Pengubuan Police, Central Lampung Police.
The deadly incident became known to local witnesses when they heard gunshots and screams for help on Sunday night. In that incident, AK was rushed to Harapan Bunda Hospital but he could not be saved. In less than three hours a special police team managed to capture RS.
Due to this incident, the Head of the Lampung Police, Inspector General of Police Akhmad Wiyagus, removed the position of Head of the Way Pengubuan Police, Adjunct Commissioner of Police M Ali Mansyur. He was transferred to the Central Lampung Police.
The Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Grand Commissioner of Police Zahwani Arsyad, confirmed that there was a letter of assignment issued by his superior. "The head of the Regional Police has issued a letter of assignment transfer in the context of performance evaluation, against the head of the Way Pengubuan Police," he said, in Bandarlampung, Tuesday, September 6, 2022.
Mansyur was transferred to a position as head of the Facilities and Construction Subdivision at the Central Lampung Police. His successor to lead the Way Pangubuan Polsek is Police Inspector One Andi M Putra, who was previously the first officer at the Central Lampung Police. The transfer of duties was based on the telegram number: ST/709/IX/KEP/2022, dated September 5, 2022.
"Hopefully, with the replacement of the new police chief, he will be able to carry out close supervision of the personnel he leads and this is also a refresher for the ranks," he said.
Currently, an investigation is also underway for the shooting to death of a brigadier J which was allegedly carried out by his superior, Inspector General of Police Ferdy Sambo. The murder case, which was allegedly carried out at Sambo's official residence in Jakarta, has attracted public attention because many facts have been covered up since the beginning of the case. Ferdy Sambo and four others have officially become murder suspects.