
Seven South Asia Routes Opened by the End of 2020: Kuala Namu Airport

Arfi Bambani
A plane parks in Kualanamu Airport in Medan, North Sumatra
A plane parks in Kualanamu Airport in Medan, North Sumatra - PT Angkasa Pura Aviasi as the management of Kualanamu Deli Serdang International Airport, North Sumatra, targets the opening of seven international flight routes to South Asia by the end of 2022.

"We are moving fast this year, which is targeted for Kualanamu Airport to open seven routes to and from South Asia," said Head of Corporate Secretary and Legal of PT Angkasa Pura Aviasi, Dedi Al Subur in Medan, Sunday, August 28, 2022.

Until now, he continued, five international routes have been served; Kualanamu-Kuala Lumpur, Kualanamu-Penang, Kualanamu-Singapore, Kualanamu-Madinah, and Kualanamu-Bangkok. The five international routes to the four countries are served by Indonesia AirAsia, Singapore Airlines, Lion Air, Citilink, and Batik Air.

Kualanamu International Airport currently serves 15,000 to 17,000 passengers with aircraft movements 120 to 130 times the frequency on domestic and international routes every day. "What we do is continue to communicate and coordinate with airlines and all stakeholders so that together we can improve service, security, comfort, and compliance," he said.

In addition, Angkasa Pura appealed to air transportation users to equip themselves with the applicable requirements, and always be disciplined in implementing health protocols. "We also convey that at Kualanamu Airport, there is a COVID-19 vaccination facility, so that prospective passengers can register directly to get vaccine injections as a condition of air travel," Dedi said.

Tag # kualanamu airport # kualanamu routes to south asia # kualanamu deli serdang international airport # angkasa pura # indonesia aviation industry

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