Again, Police Shoot Police in Indonesia

Again, Police Shoot Police in Indonesia

A police officer at the Way Pengubuan Police Sector, Second Assistant Inspector of Police AK, died in front of his house in Bandar Jaya Barat Village, Terbanggi Besar District, Central Lampung, Lampung Province, Sunday night


Inspector General Ferdy Sambo Dishonorably Discharged: Ethics Trial

Arfi Bambani
Inspector General Ferdy Sambo is facing Code of Ethics Trial for premeditated murder
Inspector General Ferdy Sambo is facing Code of Ethics Trial for premeditated murder - The Police Code of Ethics Commission imposed a dishonorable discharge or dismissal (PTDH) of Inspector General of Police Ferdy Sambo for committing a serious violation of the Police Professional Code of Ethics for the criminal act of premeditated murder of Brigadier J. The trial was carried out from 09.25 a.m Western Indonesia Time to Friday at 01.50 a.m Western Indonesia Time.

"(Ferdy Sambo is) dishonorable discharge or PTDH as a member of the National Police," said the Chief of the Police Code of Ethics Commission, Commissioner General of Police Ahmad Dofiri.

In addition to PTDH, Ferdy Sambo was also given a special placement sanction for 21 days at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters. The next sanction is a violation of ethics for committing a disgraceful act. The trial proved that Inspector General Police Ferdy Sambo was proven to have violated the code of ethics.

After the verdict was read out, the Chairman of the Commission asked Ferdy Sambo if he accepted the decision. Before the trial commission, Ferdy Sambo admitted and regretted all the actions that had been done. Ferdy also submitted his right to appeal and is ready with all his decisions.

"We admit all our actions and regret all the actions we have done. Let us file an appeal, whatever the appeal decision we are ready to accept," said Sambo.

On that occasion Sambo also apologized to his colleagues.

The National Police ethics session was chaired by Head of the National Police Security Intelligence Agency, Commissioner General of Police Ahmad Dofiri.

The trial was attended by Ferdy Sambo and 15 witnesses. They were Police Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan, Police Brigadier General Benny Ali, Police Grand Commissioner Budhi Herdi, Police Grand Commissioner Agus Nurpatria, and Police Grand Commissioner Susanto. The other five witnesses were Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police Ridwan Soplanit, Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police Arif Rahman, Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police Arif Cahya, Commissioner of Police Chuk Putranto, and Adjunct Commissioner of Police Rifaizal Samual.

Two witnesses from the Special Task Force were Hari Nugroho and Murbani Budi Pitono. Three other witnesses are suspects in the murder case of Brigadier J, namely Bharada Richard Eliezer, Chief Brigadier Ricky Rizal, and Kuat Ma'ruf.

Tag # ferdy sambo # brigadier j # brigadier j case # indonesia police # indonesia police case

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