On This Day August 25th: National Housing Day
Its a day to recognize the important work done by the housing partners across Indonesia to improve access to housing for everyone.
Its a day to recognize the important work done by the housing partners across Indonesia to improve access to housing for everyone.
The six shelters are for Indonesian citizens, including migrant workers, who face issues in the country.
Inviting more investment into the country and kicking off labor intensive projects are among the governments priorities.
TheIndonesia.co - Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has estimated that labor intensive projects planned for next year will absorb up to 712,000 workers.
According to Minister Basuki Hadimuljono, the Ministry will allocate Rp 14.34 trillion (US$1 billion) for various labor intensive projects in 2023.
“[The Ministry] will allocate Rp 5 trillion for water resource projects,” Hadimuljono said on Thursday, August 25, as reported by Antara. He said projects in the sector are targeted to absorb 353,000 workers through irrigation-focused project P3TGAI in 10,000 locations and water resources infrastructure management in 14,000 locations.
Meanwhile, the budget for road and bridge construction is Rp 4.78 trillion and is expected to create jobs for 80,000 people.
As for settlement sector, the Ministry is set to allocate Rp 2.11 trillion and absorb 62,000 workers through drinking water and sanitation program in 1,725 villages, community-based sanitation program in 1,156 locations, and waste management program in 106 locations – in addition to other planned programs.
Lastly, for housing, Hadimuljono said his office will allocate Rp 2.45 trillion and targets to create jobs for 217,000 workers in Indonesia.
Previously, the Indonesian government claimed that labor intensive projects are a priority as it looks to encourage more employment absorption amid the unstable global economy.
Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki said inviting more investment into the country and kicking off labor intensive projects are among the government’s priorities in an attempt to protect the growth of national economy.
“The persisting uncertainty remains the biggest challenge in development planning, including in the case of our national economy. Hopefully, the condition will improve next year,” Masduki said on August 9.