- Former Head of the Profession and Security Division (Kadiv Propam) of the Indonesian National Police Inspector General of Police Ferdy Sambo wrote an apology letter to his colleagues and seniors who were affected by his case. The handwritten apology letter and signature on the seal by Ferdy Sambo was circulated to some media, Thursday, August 25, 2022.
The letter's existence was confirmed by the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General of Police Dedi Prasetyo and also the attorney for the Sambo family, Arman Hanis. Prasetyo stated that he received information on Ferdy Sambo's apology letter from the Head of the National Police's Professional Accountability Bureau (Karowabprof). The letter stated the date it was made on Monday, August 22, 2022.
"Info from Karowabprof, it's true (apology letter) from FS," said Prasetyo.
In line with Prasetyo, Arman Hanis also confirmed that the letter was indeed Ferdy Sambo's request. However, he questioned where the media colleagues got the letter.
"That's right. Where did you get it from?" asked Hanis back.
The letter was written in black ink. On the top right, it's written "Jakarta, 22 August 2022". The second paragraph of the letter describes an apology to senior and fellow high-ranking officers, middle officers, first officers, and fellow non-commissioned officers.
The following is an excerpt of Ferdy Sambo's apology letter:
Dear colleagues and seniors, with pure intentions, I would like to express my deepest regret and apology for the direct impact on Senior positions and colleagues within the Indonesian Police institution for what I have done. I apologize to all seniors and colleagues who directly felt the consequences. I hope that my apology can be accepted and I declare that I am ready to carry out any consequences according to the applicable law.
I am also ready to accept responsibility and bear all the legal consequences assigned to seniors and affected colleagues. Hopefully, this regret and apology can be accepted openly and I am ready to undergo this legal process properly so that I can immediately get a decision that brings a sense of justice to all parties.
Thank you. May God always protect us all. My respect.
The letter was signed on a stamp of Rp10,000 with the name Ferdy Sambo and his rank as inspector general of the police.
Ferdy Sambo underwent an ethics trial for the alleged crime of premeditated murder with four other suspects, namely Putri Candrawati, his wife; Bhayangkara Dua Richard Eliezer, Chief Brigadier Ricky Rizal, and Strong Ma'ruf. The five are suspected under Article 340 of the Criminal Code, subsidiary to Article 338 in conjunction with Article 55 and Article 56 of the Criminal Code with a maximum threat of the death penalty.
This premeditated murder case also dragged 97 Polri personnel who were investigated for allegedly violating unprofessional ethics in handling the Duren Tiga crime scene (TKP). A total of 97 Polri personnel have been investigated, 35 personnel are suspected of violating the Police's professional code of ethics, and 18 personnel have been assigned to special placements (patsus).