And the "UN Woman Police of the Year" Award Goes to Renita Rismayanti
UN Police Adviser Faisal Shahkar acknowledged Rismayanti's contribution to the progress and work of the UN Police.
UN Police Adviser Faisal Shahkar acknowledged Rismayanti's contribution to the progress and work of the UN Police.
Discharged Indonesian police general Ferdy Sambo was sentenced to death after the court found him guilty of murdering his fellow police guard and assistant, Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat.
All police officers would be warned against bringing and using tear gas or other crowd control tools and equipment in football matches.
TheIndonesia.co - Members of Commission III of the House of Representatives Adies Kadir has asked the police to disclose the motive in the murder of Brigadier Nofryansah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J.
During a hearing meeting on Wednesday, August 24, Kadir told chief of the National Police Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo that the public is waiting for the police to reveal the real motive in the shooting incident that claimed the live of Brigadier J.
“The police chief said to wait until trial, [but] the [undisclosed] motive in this case keeps the public waiting,” Kadir said, as reported by Antara.
As a comparison, Kadir said motives in previous cases could be made known publicly, but it has not been the case with this particular murder.
Another Commission III member Habiburokhman shared similar view and asked for the motive to be immediately revealed.
“There is no harm in disclosing earlier the motive and background,” Habiburokhman said on the occasion.
He said speculations arise among members of the public since the real motive continues to be kept secret. And among the speculations is the one related to alleged agenda set up by the police to reveal an even bigger case.
Listyo Sigit said suspect Ferdy Sambo premeditated J’s murder upon hearing harassment allegation made by his wife Putri Candrawathi.
“More details will be revealed in court,” the police general said.
Besides Sambo, the police has named four other suspects in this case: Putri Candrawathi, Bharada Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu (Bharada E), Bripka Ricky Rizal (RR), and house assistant Kuwat Ma'ruf.