130 Tons of Rubbish Removed from Jambe River in 'Marathon' Cleanup
The regencys environment office revealed that the three-day effort sought to restore Jambe by cleaning the tons of rubbish along the river.
The regencys environment office revealed that the three-day effort sought to restore Jambe by cleaning the tons of rubbish along the river.
Of the 10 species, Lais fish is number one for contamination because it contains 135 microplastic particles. While the least was Saluang fish with 18 microplastic particles.
Traditional fishermen decided to force the five fishing vessels to leave the waters because they used trawl nets.
TheIndonesia.co - Residents of Tanjung Alai in Mukomuko regency, Bengku province, reported oil palm company PT Karya Sawitindo Mas (KSM) for allegedly polluting Kukun River which is located within the village.
As reported by Antara on Monday, August 22, village residents reported the company to local environment office.
After checking the river with office and village officials, head of Tanjung Alai village Buzakri said he had previously received similar complaints from people related to industrial waste being dumped into Kukun River.
The village leader added that residents first witnessed the environmentally damaging activities in 2021, and reports had been filed to concerning institution, but the company has yet to respond.
According to reports, PT KSM would dump their waste a day after a rainy day and would stop during the dry season.
Head of Mukomuko environment office M Rizon said his unit had deployed a team to investigate waste pools and the allegedly polluted river.
Upon assessment carried out alongside village residents and officials, the office reported silting in all waste pools which caused wastewater to overflow and get into ditches and eventually end in the river.
Environment also reported poor drainage system and bad hygiene within the plant.