
Seven Zebra Shark Eggs Brought Into Raja Ampat to Recover Population

Diana Mariska
Seven zebra shark eggs from Australia. (Photo: ANTARA/HO-Humas Brida Papua Barat)
Seven zebra shark eggs from Australia. (Photo: ANTARA/HO-Humas Brida Papua Barat) - The West Papua Research and Innovation Agenci (Brida) has brought in seven zebra shark eggs from Australia to Raja Ampat Islands waters in an attempt to recover the shark population in the area.

Head of West Papua Brida Charlie Danny Heatubun said the eggs of zebra shark (Stegostoma tigrinum), which are genetically similar to the current population in Raja Ampat, had been placed in local hatchery.

“At the end, they will be released into Raja Ampat Islands waters’ conservation area to improve local populations that nearly go extinct, in a global effort to conserve the species,” Heatubun said on Saturday, August 20, as reported by Antara.

The said conservation program is dubbed the Stegostoma tigrinum Augmentation and Recovery (StAR) which kicked off three years ago.

As part of the program, Heatubun said the eggs had previously been placed in a breeding aquarium in Australia.

“As charismatic species, the population recovery effort will revive the well-established diving tourism in Raja Ampat,” he added.

West Papua acting governor Paulus Waterpauw said the provincial government supports the effort to recover zebra shark population as it is part of the grand scheme focusing on the sustainable development.

He also hoped that similar effort can be initiated for other endangered wildlife.

Tag # zebra shark # wildlife conservation # flora and fauna # raja ampat # indonesian wildlife animal # shark population in indonesia

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