- The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) has thwarted an attempt to smuggle 4,228 birds from Kalimantan to Jawa and arrested a suspect.
The Java, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara security and law enforcement (Gakkum Jabalnusra) unit at the Ministry revealed that upon confiscating the thousands of birds in Sidoarjo, East Java, authorities will use multi-door approach to further process the case. This means the unit will handle investigation process involving birds protected by law by using Law No. 5/1990 on Conservation of Living Resources and Ecosystems.
“Meanwhile, birds not protected by law will be handled by investigators from Surabaya agricultural quarantine and use Law No. 21/2019 on Animal, Fish, and Plant Quarantine,” head of Gakkum Jabalnusra Taqiuddin confirmed, as reported by Antara on Thursday, August 18.
According to him, the birds were from South Kalimantan and were sent to Java through Telaga Biru Port in Bangkalan, East Java.
Authorities also arrested an individual with initials AFI, who is suspected to be the owner of the birds – along with four cars used to transport the animal.
“The case started from reports from public related to illegal wildlife trade in Sidoarjo regency,” Taqiuddin explained.
The unit followed up and investigated the reports by carrying out an operation.
“The team seized 4,228 birds from different species, both protected and not, at AFI’s residence in Gedangan, Sidoarjo, East Java province,” he added.
The birds would reportedly be distributed to sellers in different areas, including to Kediri (East Java) and Karanganyar (Central Java).
AFI has been named as suspect, and investigation continues to find other names who might be involved in the case.
AFI could face a maximum sentence of five years’ imprisonment or Rp 100 million fine (US$6,900).
Among the protected birds seized by authorities were 596 greater green leafbirds (Chloropsis sonnerati), 125 common hill mynas (Gracula religiosa), 110 Java sparrows (Lonchura oryzivora), 45 blue-crowned hanging parrots (Loriculus galgulus), 31 crested jayshrikes (Platylophus galericulatus), and six lesser green leafbirds (Chloropsis cyanopogon).
Meanwhile, those that are not protected were 72 olive-winged bulbuls (Pycnonotus plumosus), 32 mangrove blue flycatchers (Cyornis rufigastra), 31 white-rumped shama (Copsychus malabaricus), 17 Oriental magpie-robins (Copsychus saularis), 11 chestnut-crested yuhinas (Staphida everetti), 2,363 purple-throated sunbirds (Leptocoma sperata), 785 streaked weavers (Ploceus manyar), and four Asian fairy-bluebirds (Irena puella).