Afghan Refugees Protest in Pekanbaru, Demand Resettlement
"After more than nine years here, there has been no answer and certainty."
"After more than nine years here, there has been no answer and certainty."
BPBD Riau has been working with the military, the police, and forest fire control unit Manggala Agni.
The island of Bintan in the Kepulauan Riau Province never ceases to amaze visitors with its enchanting natural landscape.
TheIndonesia.co - A nine-year-old child went missing while bathing in Indragiri River in the province of Riau, authorities confirmed.
The Pekanbaru search and rescue team said on Monday, August 15, that it is still looking for victim Raffa after he went missing on Sunday at 5.00 p.m. local time.
“Search effort still continues. Hopefully, victim can soon be found and be returned to his family,” head of Pekanbaru SAR office I Nyoman Sidakarya said, as reported by Antara.
Sidakarya revealed that Raffa was bathing in the river when he realized he had dropped his money. Strong currents then pulled him as he tried to get the money.
Joint SAR team is working by trailing towards the downstream on rubber boats. The team is also using underwater seal drain (UWSD) and Aqua Eye that can detect human bodies underwater.
Sidakarya also confirmed that local residents had previously tried to look for Raffa before eventually reporting the incident to Kuantan Singingi regency disaster mitigation office (BPBD).
A team from Pekanbaru SAR office was then deployed to location to assist search effort.
Sidakarya lastly warned parents to protect and watch over their children, especially when they play nearby river.