- The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Commissioner General of Police Agus Andrianto, indicated that there were no incidents of harassment against Putri Candrawati, the wife of Inspector General of Police Ferdy Sambo when Brigadier J was shot by Bharada E at the Duren Tiga Complex, South Jakarta. Andrianto said this indication was revealed from the results of the case expose which was led directly by him on Friday afternoon at the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit.
"Based on the explanation of the Director of General Crimes, all witnesses to the incident stated that the deceased Brigadier Josua was not in the house," said Andrianto in Jakarta, Friday, August 12, 2022.
The three-star general said Brigadier J entered the crime scene (TKP) of the official residence at the Duren Tiga Complex Number 46 after being summoned by Ferdy Sambo. "The late J entered when called in by the FS," said Andrianto.
As is known, Putri Candrawati made a police report regarding the alleged sexual harassment by Brigadier J. As stated by a spokesperson for the National Police on Monday, July 11, the shootout between police members occurred because of the harassment by Brigadier J against the wife of her superior.
At that time, it was reported that Candrawati screamed from the room, causing other aides, including Bharada E and other witnesses who were on the second floor, shocked and immediately went downstairs to ask what happened. There was a shootout followed, based on Ferdy Sambo scenario.
As time progressed and the results of the investigation carried out by the Special Police Team, it was proven that this was only a scenario created by Ferdy Sambo.
The Directorate of General Crimes (Dittipidum) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Indonesian National Police has dismissed reports of alleged harassment reported by Putri Candrawati, including the report on the alleged attempted murder of Bharada E which was reported by members of the South Jakarta Metro Police on Friday, July 8.
Regarding the false report made by Putri Candrawathi and whether she can be punished, Andrianto hopes that all parties will wait for the progress of the investigation carried out by the Special Police Team. "Later we will submit to the Special Team what the decision will be," said Andrianto.
Previously, the Director of General Crimes at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Brigadier General Andi Rian Djajadi said that the two reports were categorized as an attempt to hinder investigators of the alleged premeditated murder of Brigadier J. Both reports were automatically dismissed.
"We consider these two police reports to be part of the obstruction of justice category, to be part of efforts to prevent disclosure of 340-case (premeditated murder of Brigadier J)," he said. 340 is the article in Criminal Code related to premeditated murder.