- The head of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK), Hasto Atmojo Saroso, said that Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, who is now a suspect in the murder case against Brigadier J, almost bribes his agency. He said that the two envelopes containing money inserted by Sambo's staff were rejected by LPSK.
To, Saroso also told about the moments when Ferdy Sambo wanted to bribe money. This action, said Saroso, was carried out by Sambo so that his wife, Putri Candrawati, could get protection from the LPSK.
"It was not expected, it did happen," said Saroso when contacted by, Friday, August 12, 2022.
Saroso explained that the bribery attempt took place at the National Police Security and Profession Office, where Ferdy Sambo worked as the Head of the National Police Security and Profession Division, on Wednesday 13 July 2022.
The incident took place five days after the shooting that killed Brigadier J on Friday 8 July 2022. The LPSK team met with Ferdy Sambo to coordinate the case of Brigadier J. At that time someone who was a staff member of Ferdy Sambo handed the money in two thick envelopes to one of the LPSK staff.
"When we were done and about to go home, someone from Mr. Ferdy Sambo's Office delivered two large envelopes suspected of containing money, but we don't know (how much) because we didn't open them," he said.
Saroso confirmed that the two envelopes suspected of containing the money were immediately rejected and returned. He also admitted that he did not know the amount of the money.
"But (we) immediately returned it at the same time," he said.
According to him, after the incident, on Thursday 14 July 2022, Putri Candrawati, Ferdy Sambo's wife, applied for protection to the LPSK and held a meeting on Saturday 16 July 2022. At that time, LPSK failed to dig up information because of her unstable condition.
LPSK has twice tried to meet Putri for the assessment process for her protection application but failed to do so because of her unstable condition. On Monday, August 15, next, LPSK will decide on Putri's status, protected or not.