France Readies to Support Indonesia Nuclear Agenda
Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif also noted that several countries had offered to build a nuclear power plant under a bilateral cooperation scheme with Indonesia.
Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif also noted that several countries had offered to build a nuclear power plant under a bilateral cooperation scheme with Indonesia.
an energy economic observer from Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Fahmy Radhi, encourages Indonesia to accept the offer from Russia to develop nuclear energy
Andika explained that a more intense relationship could strengthen the cooperation between the Indonesian Navy and the South Korean Navy in various fields, especially in the development of defense equipment and submarine technology.
TheIndonesia.co - Indonesia proposes regulation for nuclear-powered submarine programs in a UN forum to build awareness of the possible risks it poses. Indonesia sees a legal vacuum regarding nuclear-powered submarines.
"The main purpose of this proposal is to fill the gap in international law regarding nuclear-powered submarines. Build awareness of the potential risks, as well as efforts to save human and humanitarian lives," said Director General of Multilateral Cooperation Tri Tharyat at an online conference from New York, Sunday, July 31, 2022.
The proposal in the working paper entitled "Nuclear Naval Propulsion" will be presented at the 10th Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT RevCon) which will be held on 1-26 August 2022 in New York. The NPT RevCon is a conference held every five years since 1975 to review the implementation of the treaty limiting the possession of nuclear weapons.
Tri Tharyat said that to build awareness of nuclear risks to the environment and human health, the proposal is also trying to strengthen the system and the spirit of multilateralism which is currently being eroded.
Meanwhile, the Indonesian Ambassador to the United Nations and the International Seabed Authority in New York, Arrmanatha Christiawan Nasir, assessed that this year's NPT Revcon would be quite difficult because it was held during a very dynamic geopolitical situation, especially when the war in Ukraine was still ongoing. Therefore, he said, Indonesia as one of the countries active in the NPT RevCon continues to push the conference to produce constructive results.
"The main thing we hope for is progress in efforts to commit to nuclear weapons states to move forward in nuclear disarmament efforts," he said.
Previously, Indonesia and Malaysia expressed concern over the nuclear submarine plan through the Trilateral Security Treaty of Australia, Great Britain, and the United States (Aukus). Director General of the Arms Control Department, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Fu Cong, said the plan was part of the US and UK's double standards on nuclear matters, especially when it comes to Iran and North Korea.