
Illiteracy in Indonesia Worsened by Limited Book, Says National Library

Diana Mariska
Jakarta Library at Taman Ismail Marzuki in Jakarta. (Photo: Winanto)
Jakarta Library at Taman Ismail Marzuki in Jakarta. (Photo: Winanto) - The Indonesian National Library (Perpusnas) claimed issues related to limited book and access to book are some of the main reasons why literacy level in the country is still relatively low and remains difficult to improve.

Chairman of Perpusnas M Syarif Bando said the national efforts to improve literacy in Indonesia are constantly hindered by limited book supply that results in long waiting list.

“In Indonesia, 90 people are on the waiting list to get their hands on a book. Meanwhile, the international standard is that three books [should be available] for one person each year. The current condition should get the attention of every stakeholder, so book supply can meet public demand,” Bando said on Wednesday, July 20, as reported by Antara.

He encouraged universities to take part in resolving the illiteracy issue, including by ensuring they produce high quality graduates with high-level literacy and skills that can be implemented to create big impacts to society.

On an event attended by Bando, Sukabumi deputy regent Iyos Somantri said the regency also looks to improve literacy level in the area as it can significantly improve the welfare of the people. However, it is still in need of a space that can be used to support literacy improvement.

“[Sukabumi] is prepared to receive fund that will be allocated to build library that will represent [Perpusnas]. We’ve also prepared the area and the detail engineering design,” Somantri said.

Tag # national library # jakarta library # literacy in indonesia # perpusnas

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