- The governor of North Kalimantan Zainal Arifin Paliwang said his office will prepare incentive for members of the community who are actively involved in the effort to protect and conserve forests within the province.
Paliwang revealed the plan that the provincial government is looking to prepare a special fund that will be allocated to the public to encourage them to take part in forest conservation.
“We will prepare a fund for those who participate in conserving the forest. It’s in a form of incentive,” he said on Tuesday, June 21, as reported by Antara.
However, he had yet to reveal the details of the planned incentives – including the amount – that will be awarded.
Besides uncovering the plan, the governor added the provincial government is also currently preparing a scheme to involve and educate the public in its forest conservation programs since communities are considered to play a big role, especially those that live nearby the forest areas.
Lastly, Paliwang also discussed conservation effort that will be planned in the coastal areas within North Kalimantan, including through massive mangrove planting.
“My program in the future is planting mangrove in embankments in North Kalimantan,” he concluded.