
Indonesia Police HQ to Move to Nusantara Capital City in Stages

Arfi Bambani
The design of Indonesia's new capital in East Kalimantan. (Photo: Special Doc.)
The design of Indonesia's new capital in East Kalimantan. (Photo: Special Doc.) - The National Police is preparing gradual relocation of its headquarters to the Nusantara Capital City in East Kalimantan in 2024, its spokesman Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo said.

"Next year (2023), (things) must be prepared, because, in 2024, the National Police will gradually open its office at the Nusantara Capital City," the Head of Public Relations Division at the National Police Force, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said during Bhayangkara 76th Anniversary Fun Bike event at the National Police Headquarters here on Sunday, June 19, 2022.

Prasetyo said the requirements for the relocation had been formulated and proposed this year, including the establishment of Nusantara City's district and subdistrict police forces. The police will also install its Mobile Brigade Corps, led by a one-star general officer or a brigadier-general, in the new capital city to secure its development.

"The police' Mobile Brigade Corps will be placed in Nusantara Capital City. It will be led by a one-star general officer to secure the capital city development so that it can run in accordance with the timeline set by the government," Prasetyo added.

Earlier on Saturday (June 18), Chief of East Kalimantan Regional Police Inspector General Imam Sugianto said that the National Police would increase security forces at Nusantara Capital City. Sugianto said that the reinforcement was based on a detailed study conducted about various aspects of the security of Nusantara Capital City.

Currently, the capital city area is still under the authority of the Semoi and Sepaku Subdistrict Police of North Penajam Paser District.

District Police are police work units within the jurisdiction of one city or one district, led by a police officer with the rank of Adjunct Commissioner of Police. If the population of the district or city reaches 1 million people or more, the position of head of the police department is assigned to a police commissioner.

Subdistrict police is a unit in the area of sub-district and is led by a police adjunct commissioner. The subdistrict police force in West and North Kalimantan which borders Sarawak and Sabah in Malaysia would be led by police commissioners who would work along with the Malaysian Police Force in maintaining order on the other side of the border.

Currently, a group of 12 military personnel of Mulawarman VI Military Command has conducted a routine patrol in the capital city. The number of personnel could be increased to one platoon as needed, its commander Major General Teguh Rumeksom said on a separate occasion. 

Tag # indonesia police # police # police hq # new capital of indonesia

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