Now Registering Copyright in Indonesia Can Be Online, Takes 10 Minutes Only
People no longer need to wait for approval from the center as before when registering online at the https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/register page.
People no longer need to wait for approval from the center as before when registering online at the https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/register page.
The artist's resale right is the right to sell the work repeatedly from the creator to the first buyer and so on. The creator or maker is still entitled to obtain economic value from the sale. Currently, as many as 94 countries have implemented it.
E Ramos Petege, a young man from Gabaikunu Village, Central Mapia, Dogiyai Regency, Papua, sued Law No. 16/2019 concerning Marriage to the Constitutional Court after failing to marry a Muslim woman due to different beliefs.
TheIndonesia.co - The Law and Human Rights Ministry has planned to conduct pilot projects for the apostille certificate issuance service at five provincial regional offices of the ministry. Apostille is a certificate that authenticates a document’s origin and the signature of the public official, who signs the document, such as diplomas, birth certificates, divorce certificates, letter of attorney, and death certificates, so the document can be used in other countries that also recognize the certificate.
However, while launching the certificate issuance service here on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, Law and Human Rights Minister Yasonna Laoly stated that his side had not been able to announce which regional offices were designated to conduct the pilot projects.
Laoly remarked that the service provides convenience to the community, especially those who need legalization of documents to be used in other countries, for which each regional office should prepare to run similar services. To date, the application for the certificate can be conducted in person at the regional offices of the ministry or virtually through the ministry’s app.
Nonetheless, the issuance of the certificate can only be conducted by the Directorate General of General Legal Administration (AHU) of the ministry in Jakarta. The minister noted that issuance of the certificates was still conducted by the directorate general since the paper used for the certificate was a special paper equipped with a certain hologram for identification purposes.
"(Thus,) it does not provide any opportunity (for irresponsible parties) to falsify (the certificate)," he pointed out.
The establishment of the certificate was a follow-up to the Apostille Convention that was agreed during the session of The Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) on October 5, 1961.
Indonesia officially became one of the 122 contracting parties of the Apostille Convention on October 5, 2021, after Indonesian President Joko Widodo issued Government Regulation Number 2 of 2021.
Director General of AHU at the ministry, Cahyo R. Muzhar, stated at the launch of the apostille certificate issuance service that the public had been able to access the service since June 4, 2022, for 66 types of documents issued by 12 institutions.
As of June 13, 2022, the directorate general received a total of 2,918 applications for the certificates.
Most of them requested apostille certificates for notary documents for business purposes, diplomas and transcripts, as well as birth certificates and marriage certificates, the director general added.